SKA Rotary Table
Stall Torque: 210 – 760 Nm
Peak Torque: 458 – 2400 Nm
Rated Speed: 70/100 rpm
Rated Volatage: 400 Vac
External Diameter (D): 490 mm
Holed Diameter (d): 290 mm
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SKA Rotary Table
Stall Torque: 210 – 760 Nm
Peak Torque: 458 – 2400 Nm
Rated Speed: 70/100 rpm
Rated Volatage: 400 Vac
External Diameter (D): 490 mm
Holed Diameter (d): 290 mm
SKA Rotary Table
Stall Torque: 210 – 760 Nm
Peak Torque: 458 – 2400 Nm
Rated Speed: 70/100 rpm
Rated Volatage: 400 Vac
External Diameter (D): 490 mm
Holed Diameter (d): 290 mm
Specification | SKA RT 430.150 66 |
Stall torque | 660 Nm |
Peak torque | 1900 Nm |
Rated torque | 520 Nm |
Rated voltage | 400 Vac |
Stall current | 17.73 Arms |
Peak current | 70 Arms |
Rated current | 14.39 Arms |
Rated speed | 100 rpm |
Maximum speed | 150 rpm |
Torque constant | 37.22 Nm/Arms |
Voltage constant | 2250 Vrms/krpm |
Phase/phase resistance | 1.64 Ω |
Phase/phase inductance | 20 mH |
Electrical time constant | 12.2 msec |
Thermal resistance | 0.09 °C/W |
Mechanical time constant | 2.92 ms |
Max. theoretical acceleration | 1155 rad/s2 |
Rotor inertia | 16455 kg·cm² |
Motor height H | 270 mm |
Motor weight | 215.7 Kg |
Radial load | 7700 N(@30rpm) |
Axial load | 6700 N(@60rpm) |
Tilt moment | 800 N(@15rpm) |
Family Specification | SKA RT 430.150 66 |
Time Rating | Continuous |
Insulation Class | F |
Enclosure | Totally enclosed, self-cooled |
Enclosure Rating | IP 42 (standard) |
Ambient temperature | 0 to 40 °C °C |
Ambient humidity | 20 to 80% RH (non condensing) |
Poles | 56 |
Thermal protection | PT 1000 |
Family Overview | SKA RT 430.150 66 |
Stall Torque | 10 – 760 Nm |
Peak Torque | 458 – 2400 Nm |
Rated Speed | 70/100 rpm |
Rated Voltage | 400 Vac |
External Diameter (D) | 490 mm |
Hole Diameter (d) | 290 mm |
Technische Angaben dienen als Orientierungswerte, da die einzelnen Antriebe und Motoren anwendungsbezogen konfiguriert werden. Technische und optische Änderungen vorbehalten.