Apply to Size 8, 11, 14, 17 of Step Motors
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KOCO offers 3 different microstepping drivers which is pulse and direction mode based. And also dynamic closed loop stand alone electronic is available.
From Min. 2.2A [up to NEMA17 Stepper size] to Max. 7.6A [up to NEMA34 Stepper size], convenient drivers can be chosen. Pulse/RS485 supported closed loop driver and Pulse/RS485/CC-Link supported open loop electronics are available.
Apply to Size 8, 11, 14, 17 of Step Motors
Specification | DS-OLS2-FPD |
Output Current | 0.3-2.2 A |
Supply Voltage | 24 V |
Logic Signal Current | 10 mA |
Pulse Input Frequency | 0-200 KHz |
Isolation Resistance | 100 MΩ |
Cooling | Natural Cooling or Forced Cooling |
Operating Environment | It should not be placed next to other heating equipment.It should avoid dust, oil mist, corrosive gas and places with too high humidity and strong vibration. Flammable gas and conductive dust are prohibited. |
Humidity | 40-90%RH |
Temperature | 0~50 °C |
Vibration | 10-55Hz/0.15mm |
Storage Temperature | -20 ~ 65 °C |
Weight | 150 g |
Technische Angaben dienen als Orientierungswerte, da die einzelnen Antriebe und Motoren anwendungsbezogen konfiguriert werden. Technische und optische Änderungen vorbehalten.